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Shih Tzu: The Little Lion

Shih Tzu Know the Breed

Shih Tzu are small-sized dogs with a distinctive appearance. They have a long, luxurious coat that comes in a variety of colors, including black, white, red, and golden. Their hair is often kept long and may be groomed into a topknot or ponytail. They have large, round, dark eyes that are set wide apart and a small, black nose. Their ears are long, covered in hair, and hang down close to their face.

Shih Tzu Characteristics

Shih Tzu Behavior

Shih Tzu Behavior

Shih Tzu Care

Shih Tzu Care

Shih Tzu Breed Verdict

True lap dog- large or small space doesn’t matter much. Lots of cuddles and snuggles will keep them happy. Training needs consistent. Double Coat- does not like heat, requires air-conditioning during summer season. They need regular grooming and brushing.

Before you go.....

Shih Tzu Fun Facts

Shiz Tzu Puppy
Shih Tzu Fun Facts

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